YRS continues to safely support the communities of the traditional markets

Unfortunately, due to the growing number of positive COVID-19 cases in Bali, YRS have not held any mobile clinics this month. However, two of their clinics at the market remain operational to support the community. The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic hit the health system hardest, including providers such as YRS. It is YRS’ responsibility and commitment to support the community by continuing to provide medical assistance, even though it is at a higher risk.

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To safeguard their medical staff, doctors and nurses and the community, YRS has taken measures to implement standard health protection. Unfortunately, the situation has made some medical protective tools - such as masks, gloves, sanitizer products and Hamzat suits - expensive and rare to even nonexistent in the market. The YRS team have had to be creative and resourceful to find solutions, including creating their own Hamzat suits using plastic raincoats.   

To ensure physical distancing measure in its operations, YRS staff are working in shifts in the clinic and YRS is moving to online education for their communities. Some of their doctors have also been requested by the government to support the lack of doctors in the hospitals.

YRS’ peer educators are volunteering to help advise people on personal hygiene, to regularly wash hands, maintain physical distance and wear masks. YRS’ education team are also focusing  on promoting this new habit through online campaigns.         
