Email us at or use this form to partner with us on a project or visit us in person.
Inspirasia Foundation believes in giving more than money. Non profits truly benefit from your professional expertise as much as, or more than, any funding.
Inspirasia Foundation is a registered charity in the UK (Inspirasia Foundation UK - 1157564) and Malta (Inspirasia Foundation Malta - VO/1299)
Partnership Programme
Giving and Giving Well
A little goes a long way. Join our bali partnership programme today to:
Be part of a group of Givers
Be inspired and inspire others
Give and give well
Change lives
Create impact
Make a difference today
What will you receive for donations over £5,000?
Your name or company name will be placed on all equipment purchased with your grant and on any room/building whose construction or renovation you have donated towards
Mid-year and annual financial and narrative reports
Stories and photos from the beneficiaries you support
Updates and news on Inspirasia’s grantees and the organisations you support
Direct contact with the Inspirasia team and the organisations you support
A tour of the Annika Linden Centre, Bali, Indonesia
Inspirasia Foundation believes that it is important to understand how to give well, with a more than money approach. That is why, through the Annika Linden Centre, we work with our grantees to see where the money is going, to create the most impact from funds given and work with the organisations to become more effective and efficient. For this reason, 10% of the fee goes towards financial checks, capacity building and reporting.
Find out how you can change lives and have a real impact by giving and giving well. Contact us today.
For opportunities to partner on our Maltese initiatives contact