YRS use online platform to educate women on the early detection of breast cancer

As one of the biggest causes of death, breast cancer is a top priority topic for education by YRS Bali. Women need to understand what they can do to detect signs of any abnormalities as soon as they appear.

Due to the pandemic, YRS shifted their education programmes online a few months ago. Last month, in collaboration with Annika Linden Centre, YRS discussed breast cancer at an inspiring talk called #BarengNGO, which was conducted through ALC’s Instagram channel. Through IG Live with the Annika Linden Center, Dr. Sari, the Founder of the Yayasan Rama Sesana, encouraged women to conduct regular check-ups and self-examination of any abnormality of their reproductive organs, including breasts and cervix. It is important to regularly conduct screening to notice any irregularities and seek medical attention in time.

For people who want to carry out an examination, they should not be afraid, this examination is very important for prevention efforts. You should not be intimidated by the costs of it, as at YRS, you can get full examination only by donation, and if you still cannot afford it, you can also get it for free.
— Dr Sari, Founder of YRS
Instagram live Sept 2020.png